A weight loss patch - do they work?
Many in the weight loss community view the weight loss patch as a substitute for diet tablets, although in recent years, the US Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning against the use of a weight loss patch for weight loss.
Several companies have made misleading claims about its effectiveness. The makers of this patch make bold claims by saying they help to stop the food cravings that many overweight individuals feel and help them to get rid of the excess fat.
As its absorption is through the skin into the blood as opposed to the stomach it is believed to be more affective than tablets as none of the nutrients and chemicals are lost. A weight loss skin patch works by making use of a trans dermal delivery system to introduce various chemical substances that can address functions such as suppressing appetite, increasing metabolism, or preventing the body from absorbing oils and fats from food directly into the bloodstream.
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The transferrable delivery system used is safe and works based on the idea that some molecules are so small that it is possible for them to be simply absorbed through the skin and then directly into the bloodstream for the body to use. This is a much more efficient way to take drugs as there is little wastage which can take place when normal absorption of medication is taken with as much as ninety five percent of the drug reaching the cells.
If it were not for the size of the molecules this type of delivery system wouldn't be possible whether it’s to be used in weight loss patches to any other type of medication. Most weight loss systems make use of certain chemical substances depending on what they are trying to achieve including caffeine, chromium and hydroxycitric acid, all of which can be found in weight loss patches.

While there are obvious success stories regarding weight loss patches, the jury is out as to how reliable the results are, as nutritional experts believe there are other conditions that have not been taken into account.
A weight loss skin patch can operate in a number of ways and apart from administering needed amounts of a particular weight loss supplement, the patch makes it easier for anyone who wears it to stick by whatever weight loss method they are using owing to the psychological effect of wearing it.
Although you can put it anywhere on your body, a weight loss skin patch is should be placed on the back or the shoulders after a thorough cleaning of the area in order to remove any dirt. Wherever there is excess hair, you may want to remove excess hair first on a particular area before putting on the weight loss patch or to choose another area where there is less hair growth.
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The patch must be in complete contact with the skin or only partial amounts of the chemicals will be absorbed plus it will make it easier to remove when finished. Ensuring the patch does not get wet is also important because the water may affect the chemical constitution and as a consequence it won't deliver the correct amount into the skin. It is never a good idea to rely solely on one item to help you lose those excess pounds, but it is better to use a mixture, which should always include regular exercise as well as maintaining a healthy diet.
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