Save money with these quick weight loss tips
You may be finding yourself in need of motivation such as quick weight loss tips to get you in the right mind frame.
Let's start by thinking about these questions:
Do you want to live? Do you want to see your children grow up? Do you want to be more active? Do you want to continue to take strong medication for diabetes or heart disease or hypertension? quick weight loss tips

The following are some of the disturbing findings from a study done at George Washington University on obesity and how it relates to job issues. The study was co-authored by Professor Christine Ferguson.
First, let's think of a title for this research.
- Obesity in women: What are the real costs?
- Obesity debits your finances and your health especially for women.
- Can you afford to be obese?
- What price is obesity?
- News Flash: Obesity cost is more for women.
- Lose weight: save your life and save your money
- Workplace obesity: men vs. women
- $$$$ The real reason to lose weight now.
Are there any more titles you can think of?
Can’t lose weight? Better read this… A hint to the wise…
Now, the major findings that this study uncovered
- The annual cost of obesity is $4,879 for women vs. $2,646 for men, which also includes things like sick days, lost productivity, and extra gas because of the extra weight.
- 2/3 of Americans are either overweight or obese has tripled in the past three decades. 18% of adolescents are obese- facing a life of diabetes, heart diseases and other aliments.
- Major study (last year) indicate that obese people spend $1400(medical spending) more a year vs. a normal weight people.
- 1 billion additional gallons of gas are used every year because of increases in passengers weight since 1960.
- Being obese is a drag on your wallet and health.
- Merely over weight- $524 for women and $432 for men.
- Larger women earn less than skinnier women.
- Wages don’t differ when men pack on the pounds
- Guys do ok with weight—women don’t.
- Earlier death because of obesity – women $8,365 vs. men $6,518.
Okay, now that this article has your attention...
We have complied this information for the readers of our website, Current Health Articles. We apologize for not having all the answers to your weight loss issues, but it is important to gain quick weight loss tips and knowledge to correct the actions of yourself and your family.
Avoid eating yourself into an early grave. Knowledge is power!
Take the time to read through the articles and blogs here, as they are beneficial to you.
Start now-Take action! Take control! Take your life back!
Please start with these articles. We will add more material as our site matures.
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