Interesting Information About Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is known as a dangerous affliction if it is not treated properly. Some symptoms to watch for are choking or gasping during sleep as the body realizes it has stopped breathing and excessive daytime sleepiness. Sometimes the body will stop breathing hundreds of times in one night. A common sign is snoring, which can be disruptive to everyone in the room, including the snorer. This disorder interrupts normal sleeping patterns enough to cause the sufferer to never get any deep sleep. Staying in a light sleep caused by waking over and over is not healthy for the body or the mind.
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It can be difficult to diagnose this disorder if there is no one to report the symptoms. If it is suspected, a partner should be asked to watch for signs during sleeping to tell whether or not there are occurrences of pauses in breathing or any other difficulties or abnormalities in breathing and sleep pattern. If there is no one to help, making a video or audio recording while sleeping can help determine the issues.
There are ways to tell whether the snoring that is experienced comes from regular sleeping or a sleep obstruction. The best way to tell is how alert the person is the next day. Daytime sleepiness is the most recognizable symptom of sleep apnea to the person themselves. The person would feel exhausted throughout the day regardless of what time they went to bed and rose in the morning.
People of any age, gender or race can be affected by this disorder. There are some high risk factors to consider, such as being overweight or smoking. The elderly and people with terrible allergy problems are also at high risk for developing problems with sleep obstruction.
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Some ways to help eliminate this disorder are lifestyle related. Cigarettes should be tossed out, caffeine and big meals should be avoided before bedtime and sedatives or sleeping pills are not recommended because they will relax the throat muscles and contribute to difficulty maintaining regular breathing.
One method of relief is to keep the head elevated while sleeping. This, along with sleeping on the side and using breathing strips for the nose to keep passageways open can help relieve the problem.
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If sleep apnea is judged to be moderate to severe and all the self-help methods have been exhausted, a sleep clinic can be the next step. There are several methods of treatment that are used when it has become too severe for regular methods. The CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure machines are what is generally used first. These machines used to be uncomfortable, big and bulky. Today's technology has allowed for the size to be reduced to that of a tissue box and they are much lighter and quieter than before.

The CPAP machine makes sure that breathing stays regular and normal throughout sleeping. Sleep apnea can be treated with surgery but it is highly risky to let a doctor open the passageways to allow more air to flow through. Sometimes, surgery brings about a whole new set of problems. This should always be an absolute last resort for treating this disorder.
To understand facts about sleep apnea and how it can affect your life, you can access the Internet. By reading current health articles, you stay abreast of the latest medical findings.
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