Natural Acne Treatment Approach
natural acne treatment
Acne bothers most of us and is a major concern for many. No matter how mild or severe your own problem is, you can benefit from understanding the basics of a natural acne treatment program. A successful approach will be holistic, treating the health of the whole body from a nutritional standpoint.

Skin, your largest organ, is a protective and cleansing organ. Its many pores are designed to allow impurities to escape with perspiration and respiration. When they become clogged with excess oils and waste matter, infections result and you get blemishes and sores. Whiteheads are small infections, and blackheads are pores clogged with hardened waste.
This brings us to the foundations of health: ample pure water, whole and natural food, and adequate exercise. The water helps every cell in your body function as it should, food provides energy and the nutrients for metabolism, and exercise promotes circulation of blood (to carry nutrients to the cells and wastes away) and lymph (your body's immune and disease fighting system.) Exercise also gives you more energy, is good for physical and mental health, and makes you breathe deeply, which helps overall health and vitality.
The reverse of this is what foods to avoid. All sugar (use raw honey or stevia instead), all refined carbohydrates (which turn to sugar in your system), milk and cheese, and all sodas (even diet) should be cut out completely. The same rule applies to altered vegetable fats; use organic coconut or extra virgin olive oil instead. Limit coffee, black tea, and alcohol, while drinking copious amounts of water and green tea for variety. Adding lemon juice or unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to your water will boost your body's cleansing process and help you lose weight as a bonus.
Substitute raw honey and the sweet herb stevia for sugar. Drink green tea for its antioxidant content. Add a little apple cider vinegar or fresh-squeezed lemon juice to your water for added taste and minerals and for the PH balancing effect. Take a multi-vitamin and mineral capsule daily, and extra antioxidants and B complex vitamins are helpful. Beta carotene, from colorful raw vegetables or a pill, will provide Vitamin A, which fights infection.
It is important to keep your skin clean and moisturized. Wash gently with pure, natural soap without harsh chemicals as often as is necessary to remove excess oils, make up, and pollution from the environment. Moisturizing with natural creams or lotions, or some oils like jojoba, will help keep your skin from having dry and oily patches. You will need to choose the type of moisturizer that best suits your skin type.

For spot treatments, tea tree oil is good. This antiseptic oil is too drying to use on your whole face, however. Natural Vitamin E and apple cider vinegar are both healing and germ fighting, and vinegar is great added to your bath water.
As your health improves, you will see a difference in your skin. No prescription medicine or harsh topical applications can remedy poor internal health. For this reason, your best choice is to follow a natural acne treatment program.
When you want to know more about natural acne treatment, information is as near as your Internet connection. You can access current health articles on almost any subject about which you need information.
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