Hemorrhoid Home Remedy
hemorrhoid home remedy in general
If you’re looking for a hemorrhoid home remedy plan, then you’re in the right place. The first thing you should realize, (just in case you are feeling embarrassed), is that you are one of millions who suffer from hemorrhoid pain. Statistics show that in the US alone over 3.3 million people year suffer from this unpleasant condition, so there is absolutely no need whatsoever to feel awkward.
Before we get into discussing a hemorrhoid home solution, perhaps we should start back at the beginning by explaining what hemorrhoids actually are, and some of the reasons they suddenly appear.
A hemorrhoid is a blood vessel in the rectum or anal area that becomes inflamed and gorged with blood. They can be internal or external, and typical symptoms are; spots of bright red blood in the toilet water during bowel movements, or blood being left on the toilet paper after cleaning yourself. hemorrhoid pain is always uncomfortable, but can also be quite intense or even chronic.
For the great majority of people, (and it has been said that an astonishing 89% of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives), hemorrhoids are a temporary condition that often clears up in 2 to 3 days without the need for any kind of medical intervention, be that intervention conventional medicine, or a hemorrhoid home remedy treatment.
hemorrhoid home remedy and causes
The most common cause of Hemorrhoids forming is constipation. When you experience constipation, it manifests itself in you having difficulty passing your stools. This difficulty makes you strain, exerting pressure on your bowel and your rectal area in an effort to complete your toilet. This exposes your rectal veins to heavy stress. For many, this results in hemorrhoids forming, leading to hemorrhoid pain, and bringing about the need for a hemorrhoid treatment.
Apart from constipation, the next most prolific cause of hemorrhoids is pregnancy. When a woman carries a child, the unborn baby puts mom’s body system under a lot more pressure as she is now working to nourish both herself and her unborn child. As baby grows, the demand on mom’s ability to sustain them both also grows, including more demands on the veins carrying the oxygen and nutrient rich blood. There is also the fact that baby is poised right over mom’s digestive system. These pressures often result in hemorrhoids developing.
hemorrhoid home remedy
The most simple hemorrhoid remedy is modifying your diet. If you don’t eat enough fresh fruit, vegetables, or get enough fiber, it can result in your stools becoming quite hard, so hard in fact that you may experience tremendous difficulty in passing them. Drink plenty of fresh water, and modify your diet to ensure that you get at least 5 portions per day of fresh fruit and vegetables, and for preference, some with high fiber content too.
Although difficult to achieve, refraining from straining during your toilet is vital. The more you strain, the more you will heighten hemorrhoid pain, and the worse your hemorrhoids will become. By cutting out straining, you’ll give you hemorrhoids a chance to begin healing, especially if combined with a new high fiber, increased fresh fruit and vegetable diet.

Other simple but effective hemorrhoid home remedy treatments include immersing yourself, or maybe even just your bottom), in warm salty water; also getting yourself doing regular physical exercise can reap dividends.

Prolonged sitting or standing increases the likelihood of hemorrhoids too, so the regular exercise is a great way of keeping your body on the go, as well as helping to keep yourself slimmer.
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