Curing Hemorrhoids Through Diet
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you will be only too familiar with the unpleasant, uncomfortable symptoms that they bring, and you should go onto a special hemorrhoid diet designed to eradicate this annoying and often painful condition.
For many people hemorrhoids are a temporary phenomenon that last only 2 or 3 days after which they disappear untreated. You will find that it may be a particular food that caused them in the first place, and if you can identify the exact food that causes the problem, you can then avoid. But for some people, (and there are 3 million per year in the USA alone, plus many more millions worldwide), hemorrhoids prove a more lingering problem, requiring a specific remedy to help get rid of them for once and for all.

The one thing is, you must not be is embarrassed. Hemorrhoids are not exactly a topic for the dinner table, but with so many people suffering from them at some stage in their lives, they are after all, quite a topical discussion point, and by sharing experiences with fellow sufferers, you can learn some interesting facts, and hear about various cures. There are plenty of online forums where you can get involved in the debate and offer others your own experiences, so why not cast around?
Hemorrhoids can be caused by lifestyle. If you stand, or even sit for long periods of time in your job, it can cause hemorrhoids to form. Because you are exerting more pressure on your bottom, and your rectal area in particular, it brings more pressure and stress to bear on the veins in and around the rectum. A hemorrhoid appears, and is no more than one of these veins becoming inflamed and engorged with blood. They can be either internal or external, and as well as being quite painful, (sometimes chronically so), they can also ooze blood into the toilet water when you pass stools, or onto toilet paper when you clean yourself after your toilet.
If your hemorrhoids do not disappear after two or three days, you should opt to go on a hemorrhoid diet. What is a hemorrhoid diet? - Read on and find out.
The single most significant thing about constructing a hemorrhoid diet is to include as much fiber as possible. Fiber can be found in many food sources, including wholegrain foods such wholegrain rice and bread, cereals, nuts and a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially beans and legumes. One easy way of increasing you fiber diet content is to eat cereals that contain high levels of fiber for breakfast. fresh foods as opposed to processed foods are particularly important, as processed foods often lose much of their nutritional value, as well as their vitamin and mineral content. Chewing your food thoroughly is also very important as this facilitates the breakdown of food in your digestive system. It’s also important to drink lots of fresh water, at least 6 cups per day.
Another good idea is eliminating foods that don’t contain fiber. These foods cause small dry stools to form which are much more difficult to pass. On the other hand, eating plenty of fresh food in your hemorrhoid diet), food that has a high fiber content), will promote healthier stools, which are much easier to pass. This also eliminates the straining that takes place when trying to pass hard stools, greatly reducing the risk of hemorrhoids forming.
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