The Familiar Problem Of Enlarged Prostate
There is no question about the fact that almost all men are challenged by enlarged prostate some time during their lives. "BPH" (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) is the most prevalent health issue for men over 50 years of age. According to the American Urological Association, more than half of all men over the age of 60 have BPH, and by age 85 over 90% of men suffer with this problem.

A man's urethra runs from the bladder, through the prostate, then to the exit point from the body. An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra making it difficult to urinate or ejaculate. Bladder muscles become tired and painful, urine is retained in the bladder as the muscles can no longer force it all out. This can lead to bladder infections, bladder stones, bloody urine, incontinence, and inability to urinate at all.
BPH symptoms usually include difficulty in urination, including being unable to control your urine, urinating too often, too many trips to the bathroom at night, a feeble urine stream, sporadic urine flow, and pain on urination. BPH may also cause difficulty attaining or maintaining an erection, blood in the semen, and pain or discomfort in the hips, perineum, or low back.
Fear of cancer makes enlarged prostate symptoms a frightening notion. Cancer does occur in a small percentage of men, however most men are suffering from enlarged prostate. This can be treated to provide relief of your symptoms. Typically men won't visit their doctors until the symptoms force them to - either because the pain becomes insufferable, or they are unable to get enough sleep during the night.
You can decide when it is time to see your doctor by asking giving some consideration to a few things: Whether or not your symptoms are severe, and if they are getting worse; whether the symptoms affect your quality of life; whether it is to the point you would be ready to accept small risks to be rid of those symptoms.
BPH can be treated with a number of methods, ranging from prescription drugs to surgical procedures. When you and your doctor are considering what treatment modality to undertake to relieve your BPH symptoms, you will be contemplating how severe your symptoms are as well as how large your prostate is, your age and general heath. In the event medication doesn't alleviate your symptoms, you may want to take advantage of in-office treatments which can include laser therapy, microwave or radio frequency therapy, or a stent.
The most commonly undertaken surgery for BPH is the Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate, or "TURP". In this surgery only the tissue that is putting pressure on the prostate is removed. This allows the urine and semen to again flow freely. Surgeries that are more invasive are used to treat cases that are more severe.
Homeopathic remedies are an alternative treatment option for some men with enlarged prostate. Beta-sitosterol, pygeum, and saw palmetto are herbal supplements that provide relief for many. Herbal remedies are like prescription medications, however, in that they can interact dangerously with other medications, or alter how your medications work. For this reason it is crucial that you consult with your doctor prior to beginning any herbal supplement regimen.
Looking for more information on the complicated problem of enlarged prostate ? Get the low down now in our best current health articles guide.
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